Sunday, March 17, 2013

SMWS 1-28

Facebook really isn’t my thing anymore… I read through my timeline occasionally, but I rarely post anything… For some reason it’s been losing its appeal to me. Back in high school, it was a much closer experience. Everyone from school would post and like each other’s things nearly every day. Near the end of the school year pictures and posts about prom, graduation, and summer dominated my feed. I wouldn’t say I was addicted, but I remember using Facebook A LOT back then. But once summer actually came, the fire slowly died down. Everyone still posted, but there wasn’t the same feeling.
Besides the fact that it didn’t feel the same, summer was the time that my aunts and uncles REALLY started using Facebook, and they acted like typical family members on any social media website. They commented on every post, posted random things on my wall, and told my parents about every little thing I did on Facebook. I didn’t really mind it, but this changed the way I looked at Facebook as well. Once the first semester of freshman year came around, I really didn’t mess with Facebook anymore… I had switched over to twitter.
Now I would say I use both equally, although not very frequently. I use twitter mostly to keep up with current events and the new friends I’ve made. I use Facebook to keep in touch with the people back home, and my friends that went off for college. It’s interesting to go on there and see how much people have changed and what people are accomplishing. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

SMWS 1/23

This week was the championship for both the AFC and NFC divisions of the NFL, which also means the 2nd most intense week of trash talking in America. The San Francisco 49ers played the Atlanta Falcons and the Ravens played the New England Patriots, with the 49ers and Ravens coming out on top. With each of these teams being in distinct areas of the country, fans turn out to be super passionate… and that passion is always transferred to social media. I think it’s hilarious that people can get so upset or so happy about sports that it ruins relationships and lives. The pride associated with sports teams is crazy. I remember reading a story this weekend where a 49ers fan that travelled to Atlanta for the game, ended up stabbing a Falcons fan in the neck after the game.  Me being from San Francisco I have to support the 49ers, but I never voice my opinions online, because I know it’ll cause a riot. The problem with sports and social media is that people want to have teams all to themselves. If you start to support a team around this time of year people consider you a bandwagon fan. If you cheer for another team people think you hate their team for no reason. On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or pretty much any social media site you can just feel the taunts being thrown around at each other. Normal and famous people alike show their support for their teams. I think it’s awesome that football can create such passionate fans, but I hate how big of an impact trash talk has on social media.